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Career Prep Certificate

Career Prep Certificate

East Central Consortium Career Preparatory Certificate

Missouri schools strive to develop in students the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for a successful and productive career. Part of a successful career is to have skills necessary to succeed in the workforce and to meet employer expectations. To assist in meeting those expectations, Four Rivers Career Center and Rolla Technical Institute have developed a voluntary Career Preparatory Certificate program for the twenty-one schools in the East Central Consortium. This certificate is an endorsement for high school seniors who meet certain standards demonstrating that the students are "ready to work" in the local workplace.

Benefits of the Program

  • Match individual knowledge and skills to occupational expectations,
  • regardless of educational requirements
  • Match individual interests and preparation with job opportunities
  • Focus exploration and preparation by career paths
  • Document an individual's mastery of knowledge and skills
  • Promote postsecondary education and training based on personal plan of study
  • Further postsecondary education and training supported by work-
  • based experiences
  • Emphasize the importance of academic and work readiness
  • components
  • Provide credentials that are valued and requested by employers and


  • Connect knowledge, skills, and testing for education and employers
  • Predict readiness of individuals for work and college
  • Require fewer resources for remediation and basic skills training
  • Apprise the business community of the assessments currently used to assess knowledge and skills
  • Improve job satisfaction, driving increased productivity and decreased turnover
  • Verify entry-level workers' knowledge and skills
  • Identify real-world knowledge and skills needed by businesses
  • Match individual knowledge and skills to occupational expectations,
  • regardless of educational requirements
  • Build stronger interdependency between education and employers
  • Increase in partnership activity, communication, and support
  • Foster a better educated and trained workforce
  • Support economic and workforce development

Certificate Requirements
Vocational Completer
A student must complete 3 credits of specialized training in an approved Career and Technical education class
Two year goal of a 2.5 Cumulative GPA with 80% Vocational Task Mastery
A student must have a 95% attendance rate
Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoided the unlawful use of drugs
Community Service
Participate in the Career and Technical Student Organization
A two year goal of 30 hours of community service
Objective Assessment
WorkKeys Assessment given first semester Junior and second semester Senior
This nationally norm job skills assessment system is used to measure "real world" skills that employers believe are critical to job success in the
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Applied Math, Reading for Information, and Locating Information
Work Readiness Components
Career Development and Planning
Professional and Ethical Behavior
Personal Accountability
Interpersonal Skills
Self Direction and Self Management
Lifelong Learning

Career Prep Logo

Career Prep Presentation

Career Prep Powerpoint Presentation